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 ABOUT science, tech, health 

As stated on my blog's homepage, "I created this science, technology, and health blog to translate research studies, highlight new discoveries, and—above all— communicate with others about what is going on in the scientific world."




I believe that in order for the human race to move forward, we need to continue asking questions and educate ourselves as best as we can on what surrounds us. By researching, evaluating, and writing about some of the latest scientific news, I am determined to help the public better understand various technical topics. 

The Words Behind the Science, Tech, Health Blog:


Hello! My name is Jennifer Eubanks. I hold a Bachelor's Degree in English with a concentration in Creative and Professional Writing.  However, I have also taken my fair share of technical writing courses which eventually allowed me to become a freelance science writer/translator for the C & S Patient Education Foundation (, a "non-profit organization dedicated to improving the experiences and outcomes of Chiari and syringomyelia patients through education, awareness, and research." 


To make a long story short, science inspires me to reach out and communicate with the public. I truly want to be able to share my enthusiasm with others surfing around cyberspace. Through my Science, Tech, Health blog, I hope to excite and compel my readers (as well as visiters) to become more involved in the world of science. 

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